I receive questions a lot of times but there are few questions that I receive on a regular basis. So I decided to answer few of those in this post. Maybe I could refer it to others every now and then. I hope some of those answers are helpful. I would definitely write a sequel to this post in case more questions appeared in time; With that being said, may you have a beautiful evening.

And let me say, thank you for always taking the time reading my words. I truly appreciate that. xo

How Old Are You?

I am Twenty nine years old.

How long have you been writing?

For as long as I can remember. It started back when I was 14 years old when I was fully aware that I loved writing. I began forming my thoughts and feelings through poetry. And then it escalated to truly expressing everything through words written.
I wanted to share few of those poems on here but they are too dramatic and I decided not to. But here is my bio from my poetry blog that I probably started when I was 22:

I am twenty two years old, born on the 27th of January 1991. I fell in love with poetry when I was 14 years old, and I have never stopped writing ever since. I tried writing short stories but it didn’t go well.. I find peace in writing poems. I tend to write how I feel but most of the times just ideas or inspiration that I get from people, movies or music. I think photography is a beautiful thing. You know what they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. I do photography on the side, all of the photo’s that I post in, are taken by me; unless I state otherwise.
I have a dog named Kiwi, and my room is purple.
I love Coffee.
You know when someone asks you “Tell me about yourself?” and you just pause ‘thinking’ who am I…! 
Well thats how I feel in writing this right now.
I am complicated in a simple way.
Perfectly imperfect.
I will try to update this with more facts about me later
until then, have a nice day xx 

It feels so weird checking my blog out the words are so dark. After all those years I still can’t write a single poem that isn’t sad. I find writing a cheerful piece harder than forming words that hurt or feel painful. Is that weird?

Ok Now let’s move on….

What camera do you use?

I have two camera’s, One I use for my daily shots
And Another I use for my commercial work
Canon 1DX
I sometime’s use my phone’s camera (iPhone 11 Pro Max) It is actually a good camera!

What apps fo you use for editing your photos(Instagram)?

  • VSCO

Marriage in few words

Marriage is not always sunshine and rainbows. It all goes back to the quality of your partner and yourself. It is not always the other persons fault. The more you become aware of who you are and your capabilities, the easier and better you approached situations and conflicts. Make sure you live your life wirth your partner creating good memories because they are all what’s left for you later. Marriage is about compromise and forgiveness. If you both care about each other’s wellbeing; Even the hard time’s won’t be filled with hate, anger and stress.
One of my favorite love definitions is by my favorite psychiatrist M Scott Peck “Love is the will to extend one’s self for the purpose of nurturing one’s own or another’s spiritual growth… Love is as love does. Love is an act of will — namely, both an intention and an action. Will also implies choice. We do not have to love. We choose to love.”

Love and marriage aren’t 50% 50%.. Sometime’s you got to pick up 70% and other times you can only handle 10%. You both need to be fully aware and understanding of each other. I am a true believer that communication without understanding is useless.
As if both of you are speaking two different languages. Which could be at times or most of the times frustrating.

If you don’t value yourself I don’t think anyone would. Even if someone did, it’s only a matter of time until they realize the love and support they give you is going to waste, so there is no point. I wrote many posts specifically about that
Click on the post if you are interested to read further about it.
On Love’s Day
Marriage & More
10 things To Avoid in Your First Year of Marriage
Love? Relationships? Marriage!

*I do recommend you check the posts out if you are interested in this topic

Some of my favorite books

  • The road less traveled.
  • The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari
  • The Alchemist
  • You’ll see it when you believe it
  • The Art of Happiness
  • Educated
  • Tuesday’s With Morrie
  • Wonder
  • Outliers
  • Animal Farm
  • Sharp Objects
  • Own Your Everyday

I am nobody special. I am a simple person who loves to have a simple life and shares her perspectives to the world.
One of my favorite quotes to help inspire me and keep me afloat “No one is you and that is your power”
I know that I won’t be everyone’s cup of coffee but at least I am completely myself. And my forever life mantra will be “I am becoming” Which means that I am growing and learning and being better than who I am today.
The more I know the more I realize that I don’t know. This fact humbles me and makes me believe that the world is bigger and deeper than to make it revolve around me.
May I live my life serving those I love
May I live to inspire others in the best ways possible
May I live a good healthy simple life
May I continue to learn.
May I grow kinder, wiser and stronger.


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